Your Active Searches Tour: Saving Ancestors for Searching

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After you press "Save," the new ancestor is also listed near the top of the screen. You can save up to ten ancestors. They will all be listed near the top of the page.

Saving your ancestors this way is particularly useful if you would like to check websites every so often to see if any there is anything new on family trees. It also helps if you are working your way through the list of websites over a period of days or weeks. You do not need to keep re-entering the ancestor information to repeat your searches. The ancestors are saved until you are ready to start searching again.

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The image below might be difficult to view on a smaller screen. You can enlarge the image by spreading your thumb and finger on the screen. If that does not work or it is still hard to read, try tapping on the image. That will bring up a larger image that you can view. The larger image should be easier to view on a smaller screen.

Saving ancestors for searching